Red meat such as beef, buffalo, or goat is usually a favorite ingredient to be processed during special moments such as holidays and family gatherings. Considering that red meat generally takes a long time to become tender when cooked, your gas cylinder can run out quickly. Well, Maggi has a way to cook beef so that it is tender.
1. Wrap with Papaya Leaves
There is a natural way that you can do to make red meat more tender without wasting gas, namely by using papaya leaves. Papaya leaves contain natural enzymes that function to break down proteins in meat so that it becomes more tender. The trick is easy. You just need to take papaya leaves, clean them with running water, dry them, then use them as a meat wrapper. Try to wrap each part of the meat well and let it sit for about 1 hour. After that, the meat is ready to be processed.
2. Coat with Pineapple Juice
In addition to using papaya leaves, you can also use pineapple as a way to cook beef so that it is tender. Just like papaya leaves, pineapple also has natural enzymes that can make red meat tender faster. The difference is, if papaya leaves are enough to wrap meat, pineapple needs to be mashed or juiced. You need to coat the red meat with mashed or juiced pineapple, then let it sit for 30 minutes. After that, the meat is ready to be cooked according to taste. If you want to be more practical, you can also use pineapple juice as one of the marinade ingredients. However, make sure the marinade process is only 30 minutes so that the texture and taste of the meat do not change, okay?
3. Leave the Meat at Room Temperature
Another way that you can do is to leave the red meat at room temperature. This method can be chosen if you don’t have a stock of papaya leaves or pineapple, but still want to save gas.
First, if you store meat in the freezer, it is better to store it on the bottom shelf first in a closed container since the night before. After that, about 30 minutes to 1 hour before cooking, you can take the red meat out of the refrigerator, and keep it in the kitchen in a closed container.
Leaving the red meat at room temperature helps the temperature of the meat to drop slowly and steadily, so that the texture is more tender evenly. While waiting for the red meat to become more tender, you can prepare other cooking ingredients. You need to remember that the tenderness of the meat will not be like when using papaya leaves or pineapple. However, this method is better than processing the meat directly from the refrigerator to cook.
4. Cut Against the Grain of the Meat
Another way to cook beef so that it is tender is to pay attention to how it is cut. Try, Mom, pay attention to the stock of meat in the refrigerator. You can see the fibers that run along the meat. Well, so that the meat is tender, you can cut the meat against the grain of the meat. The goal is to make the fibers shorter so that the meat becomes tender faster when cooked and is easy to chew when eaten.
5. Take Advantage of Hot Steam
Did you know that hot steam can also be a way to cook beef so that it is tender without wasting gas? To practice this trick, the key is not to open the lid of the pan and use a stopwatch on your cellphone so that the time measurement is more precise. So, how do you do it?
First, boil water and boil the red meat for five minutes in a closed pan. After that, turn off the stove and let the meat sit in the pan for 30 minutes. Finally, turn the stove back on and boil the meat for 7 minutes. By applying this trick, you only turned on the stove for 12 minutes, but technically you have cooked the meat for more than half an hour. Not bad, right?