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How to Cook Chicken Meat So It Becomes Tender Quickly

Photo by Ekaterina Novitskaya on Unsplash

Are you preparing chicken to be processed or seasoned? To produce delicious dishes and dishes from chicken, ensuring that the texture is not tough is also important. To make chicken tender quickly, there are a number of tips and methods that you can try.

Here are four tips and methods that you can try to make chicken tender quickly and not tough.

1. Boil with Lemongrass and Onions

Prepare a pot filled with water, then boil the water until it boils. Then, add the chicken, crushed lemongrass, shallots, and garlic to it. Boil for 30 minutes without opening the lid of the pot. After 30 minutes, let the pot cool down before opening the lid. Then, the chicken will be tender.

2. Boil with Candlenuts

Whole candlenuts that are still skinned can be used to boil chicken so that it becomes tender quickly. The method is very easy. Cut the chicken according to taste, then boil with enough water and whole candlenuts. Chicken can be tender more quickly with this boiling process.

3. Boil with Yellow Seasoning

Prepare yellow seasoning consisting of garlic, turmeric, shallots, pepper, coriander, and ginger that are mashed together. Boil the chicken with yellow seasoning for 5 minutes. After that, cover the pan and let it sit for 30 minutes. Then, boil again for 7 minutes. The chicken will be tender.

4. Coat with Grated Pineapple

Prepare grated pineapple. Then coat the chicken with grated pineapple until evenly distributed. Let it sit for about 15 minutes, then rinse the chicken to be processed and seasoned. This method can also be used to overcome tough kampung chicken.

Those were four ways that can be tried so that chicken can be tender faster. Hopefully the information is useful, yes!
