Papaya leaf dishes can be processed into various dishes. The high nutritional content and very affordable price are one of the attractions of papaya leaf dishes. If not processed properly, papaya leaf dishes can taste bitter. Here are some ways to cook papaya leaves so they are not bitter
1. Recognizing Papaya Leaves That Are Not Bitter
Before cooking papaya leaves, we must choose good papaya leaves so that the dish does not taste bitter. Good papaya leaves for cooking are those that are still young and bright green. Older leaves tend to have a strong bitter taste, so choose bright green and leaves that are not large in size.
2. Soaking Papaya Leaves in Salt Water
An effective technique for reducing the bitter taste of papaya leaves is to soak them in salt water. Soak the papaya leaves in salt water for about 30 minutes before cooking. This will help remove most of the bitter taste contained in papaya leaves.
3. Boiling Papaya Leaves
After soaking in salt water, boil the papaya leaves in boiling water for about 5-10 minutes. The boiling process will help reduce any remaining bitter taste. Make sure not to boil for too long so that the papaya leaves remain crispy.
4. Processing Papaya Leaves with Seasonings
Next, process the papaya leaves with seasonings to taste. Saute the papaya leaves with shallots, garlic, chilies, and other spices. Various spices can give a delicious taste to papaya leaves and reduce the bitter sensation.